Why You Should Clean the Inside of Your Screened-In Patio

Having your screened in patio cleaned is a service that cannot be understated when you’re shopping for Pressure Washing quotes. 

Most of the time, electing to get the inside of your screened in patio cleaned is much more cost effective than not. Please allow me to elaborate…

When soft washing a house we are spraying a tremendous amount of water on your home just like you would when washing a car. And just like washing a car you can’t spray very specific areas like the exterior trim of a patio. A house washing technician will get the inevitable over spray of soap and water inside your patio. This creates a problem for you long after the cleaning company is gone, you will be left with a spotted and blotchy patio interior- and no one wants that.

In order to mitigate this over spray a trained technician will have to hand clean the outside of the patio trim and and exterior soffits and gutters. This in turn is expensive- It requires an exorbitant amount of time and work to do this effectively. The areas denoted by the arrows is what I’m talking about having to be hand cleaned. 

Image of Screened in Patio cleaned by Patriot Exterior Restoration

Now let’s explore the screened in patio complete cleaning (we call it rejuvenation on the estimate). When electing to get the inside of the patio cleaned, you’re negating all of the tedious work on the outside (which is costly) and you’re exchanging it for a complete cleaning of the inside. First, we will water protect all outlets, ceiling fans, and lights; then we’ll pressure wash the floors and softwash the inside ceiling, 2x4s or 2x6s as well as the side of the house which is inside the patio- not to mention the outside trim! Once that’s complete we take towels and wipe away any standing water on the ledges and squeegee the floor. 

Image of a clean screened-in porch by Patriot Exterior Restoration
Image of a clean screened-in porch by Patriot Exterior Restoration

The only downside to having the inside of your patio cleaned is having to move furniture out and water protect your TV’s or Stereo if applicable. We can assist you if requested prior to the day of service but we will not move anything without your direction and supervision. 

I hope this information helps you and we hope to hear from you soon.